For five years, he always thought that Xia Zhu would come to visit her mother’s office when she came back. He asked the cemetery keeper to pay attention to it for him. Every year, he would give some to the grave keeper and buy him something. Today, he finally proved that he was right in insisting.
Xia Zhu Qu Lu’s eyes have changed a lot. She began to wear special fashionable professional clothes, high heels, makeup and exquisite jewelry. The whole person has matured a lot, and it also makes people feel unfamiliar and unfamiliar.
In the past five years, Qu Lu has also undergone great changes. He took over the company and lived in a suit and tie every day. He once had a dream and eventually lost to reality. His parents are inexplicably ill. This rotten stall can be given to him.
This is the only thing Qu Lunai can hold on to, that is, waiting for a long time. This expectation is also the only motivation and courage for him to hold on to the present.
"Qu Lu long time no see" Xia Zhu said hello to the initiative.
"Xia Zhu, it’s good to see you." Qu Lu’s eyes have a faint sadness, and he is looking forward to the future light after slowly dispersing.
How can she disappear when she comes back?
Chapter II Little Beggar at the Company Gate
I don’t know why a little beggar came at the gate of Chengrui Group, wearing a broken cotton-padded jacket with a dusty face, revealing the down inside, and holding out a small hand with a tin box and sitting on the steps, all the class could not escape her clutches.
"Is my brother rich?"
"Beautiful sister, can you give me five yuan to buy a sandwich?"
"Good people are rewarded. You are sure to make a fortune this year!"
"Good-hearted young lady will be more beautiful!"
I don’t know what, but people don’t think this child is dirty or annoying. On the contrary, some people like it very much. Some people even take out their mobile phones to take photos with her and send friends.
Some people suspect that she was trafficked to help call the police to find her family, while others simply want to take her home as a daughter.
As a result, the whole gate of Shengrui Group became lively, and the security guard had to come forward to ask about the origin of the child.
"I’m here to see my father, but I still need to test whether he can be my father." The little girl held Ba thoughtfully in her hands.
(Everyone should have guessed that she is the daughter of Xia Zhu and Bai Yinting, Xiaomedao, who officially appeared! )
She paid no attention to so many people next to her and asked questions. The small tin box in her hand made a lot of money.
I don’t know who called the police, heard the siren, got alert, started running, and was soon caught.
"What are you doing? Help! " Little edamame is not happy and makes a hullabaloo about.
However, no matter how hard she struggled, she was rescued by the police uncle. She was carried by a police car and another car, Bai Yinting, came.
He and Lin Hao walked and said something, although they also looked at leaving the police car, but they didn’t mean much.
The little girl was taken away, and everyone dispersed. The gate of Shengrui Group Company was calm again.
After being taken to the public security bureau, Xiaomedao pouted and held her arms to express her dissatisfaction.
And refused to answer all the questions. When they were in a hurry, they were asked to talk to her lawyer.
After a female police officer washed her face, everyone was shocked. The little girl was as beautiful as a doll.
Moreover, the skin is white and white, and it doesn’t look like a wandering child. Although the down is broken, it is obviously cut by her scissors just now, and it is still very famous and expensive.
The little girl’s life experience is even more confusing. Is it running away from home?
But look at the children, they are only five years old at most, and there is no report of lost children.
When everyone was at a loss, the little edamame glanced at the wall clock and counted it carefully for a long time before saying, "It’s already 9: 60. I’m hungry. It’s time to eat, isn’t it?"
The female police officer sitting opposite her couldn’t help laughing, but she deliberately pretended to be serious and said, "We won’t let you eat until you explain your affairs clearly."
"I have my own money." Little edamame felt that they were unwilling to give her lunch.
"We’ll keep your money for the time being, and it won’t be returned to you unless you can find the right person to pick you up." The female police officer continued to scare her.
Little edamame frowned and held her arms and continued to be angry, but she was hungry and growled that she finally gave up. "I want to talk."
"Do you know the number? We’ll help you fight. "The female police officer is relieved. It seems that she finally has a clue.
"You can’t communicate with him," said Xiao Maodou seriously.
Of course, the female police officer didn’t believe Xiao Maodou, so she told them a mobile phone number, only to find that it was a long-distance call from abroad and the other party said it was French, so they communicated normally.
Finally, the words reached the hands of edamame, who spoke fluent French and said, "Brother Yani, I have been arrested at the police station. Please come and pick me up."
I quickly made it clear that the specific location was hung up, and everyone was more curious about the little girl.
When Yani arrived, Xiaomedao was still their translator, but because his forensic evidence was accurate and Xiaomedao was also a 19-year-old juvenile home, another China adult had to come and take them away.
Little edamame is almost crazy. She murmured in French, "I’m afraid they don’t know that my father is Bai Yinting, the president of Shengrui Group, or else they would never be so hard on me."
"Then let’s ask your father to come and pick us up?" Yani doesn’t want to stay here forever.
"But I’m not sure it’s him." Little edamame told them the number of Xiazhu again with a bad face.
After half an hour, Xia Zhu hurried over and heard that her daughter and Yani Public Security Bureau really scared her.
When she saw the little edamame in rags again, she even met some bad guys, so she jumped in and picked up the little edamame and cried bitterly.
"How did this happen? Are you hurt? Have you been robbed? " Summer bamboo edamame turned over and over
"Mom, I’m fine." The most shameful thing about Xiaomaidou is that her mother cried.
No matter how naughty she is, if Xia Zhu cries, she will immediately be quiet.
Soon Xia Zhu knew what had happened. She was just heartbroken and wanted to pick up Xiao edamame. smack that.
It’s a pity that she can think of something to beg at the door of someone else’s company.
After the process, Xia Zhu brought Yani and Xiaomedao out from the inside, but she kept a straight face and didn’t talk. She was angry and the consequences were very serious.
"Mom, I also want to see what that person is like? Isn’t it very gentle? Will it be good for me to do an experiment? "Besides, it’s a pity that the little edamame was taken away before anyone saw it.
"I’m also wrong about lea. Don’t be too sad. I think Xiaomedao does have freedom of choice. She is entitled to enjoy her father’s love." Yani expressed his opinion.
That’s how he was told by Xiao edamame.
"Car" Xia Zhu opened the door almost in a commanding tone.
Little edamame had a feeling that she could never escape from the car, so she blinked and hesitated for a while or took a step back, then turned and ran away.
"Hey, little edamame, come back for me." Xia Zhu didn’t expect that she would dare to play tricks under her eyelids and chase her all the way.
Chapter 3 Your daughter is so cute.
Little edamame can’t have a mind’s eye. After all, short legs can’t compete with long legs, and Xiazhu was soon caught by her mother.
Xia Zhu caught the edamame in her arms like a chicken. With the edamame crying and planing, to tell the truth, if she is seen at this time, she is definitely a human trafficker.
"Little edamame, how many times have I told you? Wings are not hard yet, and there is no way to fly out of my palm. "Xia Zhu said angrily and threw the edamame into the car.
Yani was in a hurry, but it didn’t help. She looked at the angry little edamame and shrugged her shoulders.
Qu Lu also looked at Xia Zhu quietly. He was afraid to speak and breathe. He was afraid that all this was false. If he spoke, it would destroy this beauty.
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据了解,该事件涉及一名女性顾客在武汉某按摩店接受服务时,遭到店员性骚扰。事发后,受害者向警方报案,警方迅速介入调查。经查,涉事按摩店存在违规经营行为,店员涉嫌违法行为。 在事件发生后,武汉市相关部门迅速行动,对涉事按摩店进行了查处。首先,对涉事按摩店进行临时查封,禁止其继续营业。其次,对店员进行了调查取证,并对其进行了相应处罚。同时,对涉事按摩店的相关负责人进行了约谈,要求其深刻反省,加强内部管理,确保类似事件不再发生。 此次事件引起了社会各界的广泛关注,许多人对按摩行业存在的问题表示担忧。为了规范按摩行业,保障消费者权益,武汉市相关部门决定从以下几个方面加强监管: 一是加强行业自律。要求各按摩店严格遵守国家法律法规,规范经营行为,不得以任何形式侵犯消费者权益。 二是加大执法力度。对违反规定的按摩店,依法予以严厉查处,对涉嫌违法犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 三是提高消费者维权意识。通过多种渠道,向消费者普及相关法律法规,提高消费者维权意识,鼓励消费者积极举报违法行为。 四是加强行业培训。对按摩从业人员进行专业培训,提高其业务水平和服务质量,确保消费者在接受服务时能够得到尊重和保护。 五是建立投诉举报机制。设立投诉举报热线,方便消费者反映问题,对投诉举报线索进行核查,对违法线索进行查处。 通过以上措施,武汉市相关部门旨在从根本上解决按摩行业存在的问题,为广大消费者营造一个安全、健康的消费环境。 此次“武汉按摩事件”的后续处理,充分体现了政府部门对人民群众利益的关注和对违法行为的零容忍态度。相信在全社会共同努力下,按摩行业将逐步走向规范化、法治化,为广大消费者提供更加优质、安全的服务。同时,这也提醒我们,在日常生活中,要提高警惕,增强维权意识,共同维护良好的社会秩序。