"I don’t know what you’re talking about, please let go," Lu Xia pretended to be calm, but there was some vibrato in her tone.

"I don’t know, what car will he take you back?" The veins stood out in the rage season, and his eyes glared at Liu Xia angrily.
It turned out that he saw column to send her back, but he didn’t see the column in the car, which was choked by the collar, and his breathing became a little short. She said urgently, "An ordinary friend."
The air is full of tension. At this moment, Ji Yu makes every pore of Lu Xia’s language shrink sharply. From his strong smell of wine, we can know that Ji Yu is irrational at this moment.
"Ordinary friends, you really know how to hook up with men in Lu Xia’s language. After a season of death, who do you want to turn to?" After drinking a lot of wine, his mind was in chaos. He knew that the anger in his heart was burning out of control now.
"Ji Yu, you shut up," she was instantly ignited by Ji Yu’s vicious innuendo. Why does this man always have to be so aggressive? How many knives does he have to put in her chest before he will give up?
Seeing such a response to the mainland Xia language, Ji Yu’s sharp eyes narrowed, and he stared at Lu Xia in danger. "How do you say that your old lover is dead, and you are not happy?"
"No, Ji Yu, will you stop talking too much? If you hate me so much, you can end us," Lu Xia retorted anxiously, with a cold sweat on his forehead.
"Let you go so that you can find your old lover?"
Ji Yu roared at the top of his lungs, and his Adam’s apple rolled with anger.
"Ji Yu is dead, dead. Why do you always cling to the past? Why don’t you believe me? You don’t believe me so much. Let me go. Let yourself go, too." Ji Yu, who was unreasonable and irrational at this time, was trembling with anger, and her mood had collapsed. She couldn’t help growling, and her anger made her chest rise and fall.
"Because of his death, Liu Xia language you just let our children buried together, isn’t it? Why are you so fucking cruel?" In the already latosolic red eyes, all the parts are red, so red that you can’t see the pupil. Ji Yu clutched the hand of Liu Xia language collar, and he has already clenched his fist tightly, and the ribs of his fingers have turned white.
"Ji Yu, I’m telling you for the last time, I didn’t. I didn’t. If you don’t believe me, I won’t explain it again, so please remember that you chose not to believe me first," Lu Xia said forcefully, with limited sadness in his eyes.
However, if I explain it again and again, but it hurts again and again, she needs to talk to this man again. This is the last time. If Ji Yu throws me out of my last hope and severely stubbs it out, then I won’t explain a word to you in Liu Xia language in the future.
Chapter 7 I hate you
"Liu Xia’s language will still believe you until now?"
It is important to note that if friends can’t type the old domain name, they can access it by visiting the backup domain name.
Ji Yu suddenly put his hand down, then wrote Liu Xia’s wrist to make his body back in the past, and then his hands tore at the landing clothes of Liu Xia’s language "hiss, hiss, hiss". Liu Xia’s language clothes gave out a dull tear, which made Liu Xia’s language heart jump in horror.
"Ji Yu, let go. What do you want?" Liu Xia shouted with frightened eyes wide open. She kept fighting hard with her hands and feet, but now how can her strength be worth a man who has lost his mind?
Ji Yu didn’t answer her words or did his actions answer everything to stop her from breaking up. Ji Yu also tore her clothes and tied her hands to the bedside.
"Ji Yu, I beg you to let me go, okay?" Because of the excessive force in front, my throat has become very spicy, and now the tone of Lu Xia language has become very hoarse.
"Let you go, who will let me go?"
Ji Yu made a huge roar as if he were crazy, but he didn’t stop manual work because of Lu Xia’s begging for mercy, but he was even crazier and more ruthless, disintegrating her clothes one by one.
"Ji Yu, I beg you, please let me go. Don’t make me hate you." Lu Xia kept begging for mercy in a bitter voice, but all this was aggravated in Ji Yu.
When Lu Xia’s naked body was exposed to cold air, she felt that her skin pores were hardened and her body could not help but tremble, not only because of her cold body, but also because of her cold heart and too much sadness and humiliation.
"Ji Yu, you will regret that my body hasn’t recovered yet. I beg you." I agreed not to shed tears. Liu Xia’s tears once again failed to live up to expectations and blurred her eyes. Her voice was hoarse and she begged Ji Yu’s hair to be scattered, and her hair was wet with tears and stuck to her face. She couldn’t say how flustered it was.
Ji Yu grabbed Lu Xia’s thigh and heel, divided her legs, and quickly squeezed his pants into Lu Xia’s dry channel and twitched quickly.
Because there is no prelude, Lu Xia’s language is so dry that every time she twitches, she feels more spicy and painful. She stops begging for mercy and bites her lips tightly to prevent herself from asking for mercy again.
"I want you to know who is your man in Lu Xia language" Ji Yu gritted his teeth and declared that the main hands clenched the waist branches of Lu Xia language and sent their sharp weapons to the deepest part of Lu Xia language body with crazy rhythm.
Lu Xia’s language feels as long as a century. The man still keeps a posture and attacks him fiercely. Tears have already broken off. Physical and mental pain has made her almost on the verge of collapse. She really wants to have nightmares or die at this moment, but physical pain is waking her up. Everything is true.
Until Ji Yu growled, her lean body was half on her body, and her whole body was forced to bear the weight of Ji Yu again. Her whole body fell heavily on the bed, and her hand was already spicy because of constant friction.
Ji Yu got up from Liu Xia’s body and tidied himself up. He loosened Liu Xia’s hands and said coldly, "Liu Xia’s language is a lesson for you. Remember not to get too close to men."
Ji Yu’s bedside paper towel wiped himself, and then his feelings were thrown into Lu Xia’s body. After half a ring, the whole children’s room was silent again, so that Lu Xia could hear the smell of death.
Lu Xia crawled in bed and sobbed. How can I finish it? How much more pain will it be? I won’t feel pain again.
The next day, Lu Xia’s eyes were red and swollen, and he sat at his desk sorting out the documents and getting familiar with the documents put in the filing cabinet and the information in his head, as well as studying various contracts on the Internet.
Quickly dialed the season line and said, "I have sent the construction drawing and construction plan to your mailbox yesterday."
She wanted to hang up after talking about Lu Xia, and now she even feels redundant to say one more word to him.


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