
Hundreds of people disappeared in a flash and reappeared outside a huge planet.
Those pick Jin Xian screamed in succession, and the fairy force burst out from the body to form a protective fairy gang. One after another, they rushed desperately to the Ministry of the Planet. At the beginning of several repairs, the pick Jin Xian body had already taken up several strands of black and red flames and screamed in horror. It was the pick Jin Xian method outside the atmosphere to resist star poisoning.
"It’s also a death for a native tile dog to go in!" Sneer comes from the side
"This …"
Chen Han suddenly found that several people, three men and two women, were different or indifferent, or arrogant, or deep, or calm.
However, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all in the realm of pick Jin Xian, but they completely ignore the poisoning of stars outside the atmosphere
You can be sure that these five people are the best among the pick Jin Xian!
Because he knows very well that he doesn’t have to be Luo Tianxian if he wants to resist the damage of stellar poisoning, but he has to have a second-order special physique and a medium-defense fairy if he wants to be free from the damage of stellar poisoning.
Two conditions are indispensable, or we can resist it for a long time or a short time. It is different from dying to stay out of the atmosphere for a long time.
Chapter 531 Flying dragon
One of the arrogant young people saw hundreds of Luo Jinxian screaming and rushing into the atmosphere, and there was a layer of green air in the air. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, but soon his eyes dimmed. "What did Luo Tianxian do here in the early days?"
In the third year of Xingzhou, the cold cultivation rose to the peak of the middle period of Luo Jinxian. According to the strength of Yuanshen, it was more than one time higher than the realm. His external cultivation realm was naturally the early stage of Luo Tianxian.
"I said that I am a pick Jin Xian. Do you believe it later?" Chen cold smile a few eyes to carefully a large number of three men and two women.
On the surface, all three men are not more than thirty, and the youngest one is also the strongest among the three. One of them looks sharp and sharp, and it seems like a sword pointing at the sky. The only fly in the ointment is that it feels too arrogant.
The two women are also in their twenties, and the one with short hair, light blue strength, round face and big elf eyes gives people a feeling that she is not the youngest sister next door, but she has a fresh and bright taste that slightly brings the strange smell of elves, and she gives people a feeling of being accessible.
The other woman is about twenty-three-four, which is of course not her real age.
This female appearance is peerless, worse than JiXianEr. The snow-white long skirt is like an unfriendly firework.
She gives people the feeling that she is not arrogant, cold, eccentric with elves, but a complete indifference, as if she is nothing but personnel. She is just that she only represents her own world.
"Wind attribute fairy force fairy force nature … is really a pick Jin Xian realm and still …" Another temperament out of the dust young man was frightened.
"At most, in the late period of Luo Jinxian", the speaker is very cold, and his facial muscles seem to be completely stiff.
"You are qualified to join our team."
Previously, the arrogant young man showed a smile but still looked superior. Well … wearing fairy clothes is barely qualified. Six people are enough. Too many people make it difficult to get too many things. My name is Yu Qifeng. "
"Zaiyunyi" is exactly the young man floating out of the dust as the name suggests.
"Xin You" cold guy cherishes words like gold.
"Yu Xueying" is indifferent, as if living in a personal world, and the beauty in white is like not talking much.
"My name is Ning Ling. What’s your name?"
Elf sister hee hee laughed and said with some surprise, "Yuan Shen’s strength is higher than the realm, but such talent is rare."
Chen Han remembered the eldest brother’s words and laughed. "My name is Yunfeng. Nice to meet you. I hope we can support each other in the battle."
"hey!" Look cold XinYou cold hum.
"Look at your dead face, aren’t you afraid to scare your new partner?"
NingLing mercilessly stared his one eye toward Chen cold show can smile "rest assured that you are probably the first time to talent star domain? People who want to be in the same team here have always looked after each other and helped each other. After all, everyone has a common enemy. If anyone dares to mess around and get stabbed out, once it is verified, it will be a black name in the punishment city. In the future, it will definitely not be allowed to enter the punishment star domain and will be hunted down! "
I didn’t know it was cold yet. After hearing what she said, I quickly asked, "Is there no one robbing the war?"
"Stupid!" Xin You didn’t care about Ningling’s words, but she didn’t intend to shut up either.
"If you don’t talk, no one will say it when you are dead. Can you please say a few more words?" Ningling’s big eyes are full of nai.
With her explanation, the same team must be absolutely United in this day’s punishment star field, but it doesn’t mean that it can live in peace with other teams.
The rules of the punishment city are only aimed at the same team, even if it is a super power, it is impossible to require different teams to have no disputes. Therefore, in the punishment star domain, in addition to fighting against the powerful wild beasts, it is likely that they will be looted by other teams when they get good things, which will lead to fatal disaster.
Strong team is a must!
Absolute unity is necessary!


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