On the third floor, a monk called for the price to fall, but it hasn’t come yet. There is another stereo to increase the price.

"10 million"
Huang Tian is still so firm, and a price increase will definitely not be small, vowing to crush many competitors with a strong Lingshi offensive.
"10.1 million"
Ten million is a huge sum of money. Originally, two monks competed with each other, and one of them was reluctant to increase the price by 100,000 Lingshi.
"21 million"
Perhaps some people are impatient with the price increase again, and the amplitude is even greater. After his sonorous voice was exported, the whole auction venue was silent and audible for a while.
The 21 million low-grade Lingshi East China Sea Fair has been held twice in the past two months. Of all the auctions, this colorful coral has the highest price.
There is no doubt that no one will continue to bid on the offensive of the earth stone in Huangtian, and it is announced in Fenghai University that Huangtian will finally get the colorful corals.
Multicolored coral is the last auction. With this auction, a monk named Huang Tian made a handover, and the auction ended successfully.
Chapter II Delivery
Chapter three hundred and sixty Puppet
Chapter three hundred and sixty Puppet
Ask for recommendation and collection
The three-month East China Sea Fair will be held with two auctions at the auction venue, leaving the last month and the last auction.
In the last month of the fair, it is said that Qiu likes Taobao more actively, but on the contrary, Qiu has been staying in the quiet room of the rented yard for a while
In the second auction of the fair, 13 million pieces of low-grade lingshi were auctioned at a high price, and Qiu couldn’t wait to refine this treasure sacrifice to enhance his own combat power.
The corpse ghost clan and his party made Qiu realize that his fighting power was weak. Not long ago, although the five elements of lightsaber were all re-refined, whether the five elements of polymerization could still have fighting power in the foundation period, Qiu also grasped that the high-order Gubaowei could fall, but he witnessed the natural sacrifice to refine the emperor’s seal and became an urgent task in autumn.
In the quiet room, five lines of isolation array and swallow clouds to hide the sun array were laid out. Sitting cross-legged on the futon in autumn, the emperor’s seal was held in his hands and carefully looked up.
There is an adult fist-sized imperial seal on the outer side of the high-order ancient treasure emperor’s seal. The whole imperial seal looks like a jade seal. Half of it is engraved with a winding dragon on all sides, and the corners are entangled with four soaring dragons. It is carved at the top of the imperial seal. A jade bead is the size of an egg. There is a dragon looming and flying. At the same time, three characters of the imperial seal are engraved on the bottom of the imperial seal.
"What a good baby."
After carefully looking at the emperor’s seal and sensing a strong breath of its spillover, Qiu Wei nodded with satisfaction and muttered.
Gubao, also known as Qibao, is not weaker than the magic weapon in power, but it is easier to sacrifice and refine than the magic weapon. Many Qibao are similar and can be refined in a short time. However, if Gubao is taken away, it is easy to erase the brand of his monk’s consciousness.
Compared with the peak monk in the middle of the then period, the powerful spirit came out of the body and poured into the emperor’s seal in autumn, bundling the spirit into one and trying to go deeper into the emperor’s seal
As soon as the spiritual knowledge poured into the emperor’s seal, the Mid-Autumn Festival immediately felt a kind of extremely strong pressure and very difficult resistance. Under this pressure, it was very difficult to deepen the spiritual knowledge in autumn, which can be said to be difficult.
Emperor’s seal is a high-order ancient treasure, and its power is not weaker than or even higher than that of a high-order magic weapon. Although it may be easier to sacrifice and refine, it will certainly not be very easy to repair it at the beginning of the autumn then period.
As soon as the teeth bite the tip of the tongue, a mouthful of jingxie spurted out and sprayed into the emperor’s seal. In autumn, jingxie slowly penetrated into the jade seal.
After jingxie spurted out, Qiu turned a little pale, but the time was tight and Qiu couldn’t stop. He also sprayed a Dan fire to calcine the emperor’s seal.
I don’t know when I spent my whole life offering sacrifices to the emperor, but it passed in half a month, and most of the process of refining the emperor’s seal in autumn was completed
In the autumn of the first half of the month, he refined his earlier mouthful of JingXie sacrifice to the center of the imperial seal, and even his spiritual knowledge left a little imprint there.
Hands are dancing and changing. Autumn bears a series of printing tactic to circulate mana. With the binge drinking in autumn, dozens of struggling tactics are printed on the emperor’s seal.
Emperor’s seal, a high-grade ancient treasure, matches with a series of rituals or tricks. After bidding for the emperor’s seal in autumn, you get a jade slip, and these tricks are recorded in the jade slip.


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