Things here are beyond her cognition. Even if she once followed the level of Qing Tongjun, the heavenly heart strong man couldn’t understand it completely. The situation here is that according to Ji Xiang in black, she had an idea in her heart, and when the idea rose, it seemed that there was something to respond to.

Qiang Qiang! Suddenly, the sword sounded to crush Donghua’s thoughts. When Donghua Fairy saw a dark sword, she crossed the sword with a kind of dragon horn, and the thoughts were almost instantly eliminated at a glance.
"Breaking the magic male sword can cut off all the things formed by the spirit, form, spirit and desire, and it can also be aimed at the roots of these three things. What you see when the blade falls is what you can’t see or feel."
The black-clad statue of Ji warned Donghua Fairy "Don’t think about the origin of the world. The higher the realm, the older the identity, the greater the response caused by the spiritual thoughts in the heart. That is the first thought, the beginning, the source and the Tao."
"In the past, a person who got a clear sky got a peaceful mind, a spiritual valley got a surplus, and everything’s life was waiting for the king to get a good day."
"But some people will be confused by the Tao that what they see is not a fantasy, but something really born out of their own thoughts in the source, which will even penetrate into an important part of history, where the past, the future and the future are the same and can not be erased."
"It is said that if you think about it once you think about it, you will eventually fall into the confusion of’ I am so confused’ and deny yourself …’ If you think about it once you die, you will become a part of the dead history and you will never be able to live in the real world, like this Qingyang Taoist Palace, in the source world of people’s oral prayers."
The words of Ji Xiang in black suddenly raised a touch of fear in Donghua fairy’s heart.
There is no source for this fear, and there seems to be no place to swing around, but this move seems to have taken away all of worldly desires, the last feeling of being able to return to the cave.
"Blare-"Donghua fairy covered her chest and turned white.
"Be wary of your own thoughts and don’t release them at random. We are going to the depths of Qingyang Palace, which is the dream of all the dead. You may meet someone you know."
"Huh?" Donghua Fairy’s stable breath is not white, but it’s made by the sentence of black-clad Ji Xiang, who laughs. "The origin of the world is to pray and wish, which is created by all sacrifices from the past to the future. In the ode, the world Taoist palace can be praised and appear. From the beginning of history, naturally, there are also immortals in the past who have long dreams in the ode."
"The Moon, the ghost, the immortal, the cicada, the immortal, the cicada, the dream, the ancient immortals should be familiar with these words. The ancient practitioners advocated the dream of Huang Liang Nan Ke to recognize life, but waking up in a dream is waking up after death, which is the theory of life."
"When you die, you live again. That’s what they realized. At that time, there were many people who were constantly groping for various immortality laws. These people were collectively called corpse fairy."
Black JiXiang said Donghua fairy is embarrassed smile.
"I really don’t understand that I’m not an autopsy fairy …"
The four fairies of the young boy and the younger brother, the Northern Cold Fairy, are different from the Donghua Fairy. The remnant souls have lived for a lifetime and entered the real spiritual map. In ancient times, they were also serious, and the immortal fairy road was the immortal fairy orthodox "flying fairy"
"Why don’t I call you here because you are good at dreaming? It’s just a dream for us to enter the dreams of the dead, but if we don’t know how to dream, once the dead wake up, we will disappear."
"Let Linghui teach dreams. Let’s turn you and me into dreamers first. Even if the wicked are broken, we have our own dreams and can come back again."
"You turn me into me, and your dreams are intertwined so that they will not be washed away by external dreams."
This is to fix each other with the help of love love love’s method. In the new dream, Donghua Fairy heard that the matter was too important to neglect the black image to give each other a dream, and then the two figures twisted the dreamer in situ.
When entering the dream state, the shadows seem to replace each other.
"Qingyang Palace is gone"
Donghua Fairy was surprised to find that the headstream world had disappeared, and she was in a more spectacular Yin city than Qingyang Taoist Palace.
Qingyang Palace is enchanting, but here it is overcast and steaming, and there are many sarcophagus hanging in the big world. Every sarcophagus exudes a fairy-level atmosphere!
It’s the smell of immortality that is full of decay, just like those false immortals in the world didn’t cultivate the immortal shape and some immortal manpower, but the mortal shape couldn’t hold up the immortal power, which would make the false immortals decay day by day and eventually turn to dust.
And in the sight of these sarcophagus things, of course, is not false fairy.
"The corpse solves the fairy!"
Donghua Fairy understood that the dream of the dead originated from the past, and in the future, there were always people who were forgotten, erased and their identities reversed. However, as the world continued to praise, there were always people who were described as dead immortals, and they seemed to be filled with the characters in those ode stories and constructed little by little.
In addition, there are some real autopsies who respect Huang Liang’s dream and Nanke’s technique. Only when they die can they be reborn. They throw themselves into the dream and realize that they are not perfect. After all, it is just a dream. The dream will wake up and it will become better.
If you wake up, it’s still not good
Then this is still a game, and Mengmeng will wake up again.
"The world of Xiandao is chaos. It has been like this since ancient times. This dream is actually the Zhuang method in the Warring States Period."
"Later, the emergence of the then Avenue was heresy, because it formulated a real road to heaven, sorted out the chaos and the immortal road, and lowered the threshold of cultivation, so that some people who should be ordinary people also had magic."
"The years are getting clearer and clearer in the future, and the past is getting more chaotic. The past has long been unrecognizable, and there is a fixed road in the future, that is, then Avenue, which is the real history."
"You’re an ancient fairy who doesn’t practice the alchemy, but you’re a demon. The sacrifice of the demon king is also a product of the alchemy. Everything is not from the past to the future, but mostly from the future back to the past."
"Don’t be confused, because what is in front of you has never been in the future."
Seeing that the spirit is a little abnormal, the Donghua fairy in black, Ji Xiang, wakes up quickly. After all, she still needs the other party to maintain her dream. If the Donghua fairy collapses, it will be meaningless to come to this yincheng this time.
There must be a fixed anchor point, and its years of residence may not be constant, but at least it must be able to withstand the test of years of erosion.
Then, in the depths of this unfathomable Yin city, the Confucian heavenly heart, who was covered in golden light, also met two people who broke into here.
At a glance, he saw the image of a black girl, but what the strong heavenly heart saw was not the present, but the distant future or a certain past person.
"You used to be a mess."
"Your future hasn’t happened yet."


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