The Japanese God of Buddhism has been surrounded by India, and the Sect of Buddhism has been completely killed. Now the Vatican is controlled by him, and it is also his family’s dark parliament. Those who fix the true path in Yanhuang Sect, Xianjian Sect, Zen Sect and tantric Sect can also be regarded as others, while the evil Sect of fixing the true Sect has other monty Sect and heavenly evil Sect, and no one dares to make waves.

The only person who may be born again is the dark Sect, the curse of Tutankhamun’s undead who is holed up in some corner of the earth.
Sensing the crisis, Zong Ming couldn’t sit still any longer. He knew that if he counted on his own hands to do things, God knows how long it would take to give him a satisfactory result.
"Mom, you can’t rely on anyone in this world. You have to rely on yourself for everything!" Zong Ming said to himself, "When the enemy is dark, I don’t like it. Hey, hey, if I keep missing, everyone can’t find me." When the ring becomes dark, I will see who can’t hold my breath first! "
After thinking about the countermeasures and making up his mind, Zong Ming disappeared from the Vatican like a man evaporated.
It doesn’t matter if he’s gone, but it’s hard for Angel and Marxism-Leninism. At that time, the whole Vatican system almost "messed up" and made the apostles of the ball church look for them all over the world, Your Holiness.
I strongly recommend the newcomer "The Iron Ride to the West" to you and other friends. You can scold me if you don’t like it.
Hehe, another chapter later _
-Six | Nine | Chinese | Chinese | Friends/-
The second part, the first volume and the third chapter are hidden in the city
For the source of chapters, please read the latest chapters.
Island Mountain, located in the middle reaches of the Red River, is the most famous place to avoid inferiority in South China.
Mishima Mountain is a rocky mountain range stretching for 1 km. It starts from the southeast of Buyang County in Xuanguang in the northwest and ends in Jinying and Duofu counties in Yongfu Province. There are three towering peaks that look like three sea of clouds islands because of the frequent fog on the mountainside.
The grotesque rocks on Mishima Mountain, the green trees and the gurgling streams _: The odd number of waterfalls on Mishima Mountain are beautiful and aura like ribbons floating from the wind; Some are like the majestic Ma Benteng.
Mishima Mountain has beautiful scenery and color.
In the morning, when you look out from the mountain, you can enjoy the vast sea of clouds, which will make you excited.’ At noon, the clouds disperse and the sky is high and the clouds are light, and tourists can have a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and rivers. The cool and pleasant climate is also the main reason for attracting tourists, so that the temperature in Mishima Mountain will not exceed in the sweltering summer’,
Zongming, a Mercedes-Benz luxury bus belonging to Mishima Tourism Company, went to Dayanyang County, the capital of Yongfu Province. He was wearing an ordinary black medium-length leisure suit, a pair of Armani sunglasses and a yellow sun hat of the travel company. He sat among the tourists and talked enthusiastically with the tourists around him all over the world, which was like a world super celebrity who stamped his feet and shook the earth three times.
Zong Ming remembers that Mo Tianxie told Bu that the dark Zongya people showed their traces in Vietnam, so he dressed up as an ordinary tourist and quietly came to Vietnam.
He didn’t hide it completely because he decided to hide it. He didn’t even think that one day he would come to travel as an ordinary person, and others couldn’t think of it.
It’s almost impossible for Tabu avatar to pass through the border inspection. If Libu wants to hide his whereabouts and qi, he is afraid that even the Tathagata Buddha and the Lord can’t be found.
Many of the car tourists are French, but these people are descendants of the French who colonized Vietnam in the past, and they want to see a beautiful scenery that French pioneers once occupied in their lifetime.
The bus runs smoothly on the provincial highway which is very flat.
Zong Mingxiang: I especially like it now. When a worried ordinary person feels that his smile is pure and simple, it seems to come out of his mouth. Every note is conveying a message of happiness.
Next to Zong Ming is a French blonde who travels abroad alone. She has many advantages of French beauty. Her big blue eyes are full of generous and affectionate colors. Her nose is tall and straight, showing her pride and sense of sex. Her lips are bigger and more graceful than those of oriental women, and her neck is white. The kind of rich and breasts that are unique to European beauty.
She seems to be very interested in this lone China person around her _ she found that this China person can speak very fluent French.
Vietnamese Vietnamese don’t seem to be very kind to China people. Aren’t you afraid of any accidents when you come to Vietnam alone? "The wrong novel network does not jump words. For the first time, the blonde has no French, but a fairly fluent Chinese.
Zong Ming seems to be a little surprised because he has been chatting with this generous French girl in French before. He glanced at the beautiful women around him and smiled indifferently and said, "Miss Daisy said that the social security in Vietnam is very poor, but a beautiful woman like you dares to walk alone in Wan Li. What do you think of me as a big man?"
"Geya Road!" This little Japanese elephant jumped up from his seat like a rabbit with its tail stepped on. "If you China people didn’t play tricks, how could our great Japanese empire become like this!"
"I depend on being calculated? Why don’t you just say that you Japanese idiots add retarded garbage? Bah! " Zong Ming spat at the ground with disdain.
"grid!" The Japanese companion got up from his side and looked back at Zongming.
The sudden scene of the whole passenger attracted attention.
However, Cong always knocks on people, and no one else cheers for him.
"I am a card mom!" God "color" calmly leaned his body against the seat and stared at the two Japanese people in front with a provocative look.
"Geya Road!" On the left, the Japanese dwarf thundered at Zong Ming, a servant with his right palm, and with a wave of his hand, his neck suddenly knew that this guy had been trained in hand-to-hand combat. If the brick was compacted, it could be blown off by a palm.
Today’s chapter will continue after the end of the day _
-Six | Nine | Chinese | Chinese | Friends/-
The second volume The fourth chapter Treasure Hunters
For the source of chapters, please read the latest chapters.
Mourning for the loss of life in China, a famous Japanese made a move, but a straight throat-locking hand went to lock the throat of the Japanese.
If this Japanese man doesn’t do it, he can’t escape Daisy’s record that the throat lock was stopped by a woman is the most shameful thing for Japanese people. When I saw it, I was going to cut my neck and neck, and suddenly I turned my hand back and cut my elbow to Diane’s hand.


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