Although Xiaoqing hasn’t really finished Dan’s second turn until now, she can still do it with some dragon-fighting ability before.

This kind of "breathing", which is similar to the fog of a dragon and can distort the illusory boundary of reality, is the result of her practice.
With this layer of dragon breath to cover up those evil spirits, they not only have enough self-protection ability, but also can imitate the characteristics of evil spirits more truly
"Then let me see what Pei Fu is hiding!"
Chapter 16 Ghosts who like evil plays
"I was thinking about solving the problem, but as a result, there were more and more doubts in my heart."
After a long time of meditation, Pei Wende simply got up and came to the window instead of forcing herself to settle down.
Looking out of the window, Pei Wende suddenly felt a chill surge in my heart.
Then I saw that the closed window was blown open by a breeze, as if the window had not been tight.
"This …"
See this situation PeiWenDe first one leng then unconsciously revealed surprised color.
Because he thinks the eyes look familiar?
Those horror movies and horror games in previous lives seem to like this way to start?
However, things are different now, and Pei Wende is not a mortal now.
He is a strong man in the first echelon even among the practitioners.
Therefore, when he noticed the sudden strangeness, he did not show the slightest fear, but always looked at everything around him with interest.
"It doesn’t seem to be a fierce soul?"
Every spectre must have grievances, and if there are grievances, it will be crazy …
But this kind of situation is not a sign of a demon coming out. It seems more like … some kind of evil drama in Pei Wende’s eyes.
"Like scary ghost? Is there such a strange ghost in this world? "
Touching himself gently, Ba Peiwende questioned himself, which is considered to be well informed.
From grumpy monsters, to dehumanizing ghosts, to cruel and bloodthirsty evil spirits …
What kind of demon has Pei Wende never met?
But it’s the first time he’s met such a scary ghost.
In particular, he now knows that there is such a ghost around him, but he has never been able to capture the real person of the other party.
"I just don’t know if I still have rationality?"
I tentatively want to open the window, Pei Wende. Otherwise, I find another evil wind blowing past me and then blowing the window left unlocked again.
And seems to be angered by Pei Wende’s words. This time, the little devil will no longer drain water and directly blow the candle at the next table.
At that time, the whole room fell into complete darkness.
"It seems that you can communicate."
After a short hesitation, Pei Wende did not light the candle on the table again, but went straight to the table and spread out a piece of rice paper.
This Li Yanran Pei Wende specially prepared a kind of Four Treasures of the Study in the wing, which is standard.
More precious jade articles are played with, but they can be seen everywhere. I’m not worried that Pei Wende will steal one or two.
This also shows that Li Yanran attaches great importance to him.
"You know what? You remind me of a very interesting psychic game … "
Make sure that this kid can hear his own voice. Pei Wende tells a story while grinding the ink table next to him.
"Let people and ghosts in Yin and Yang communicate through some kind of fixed board and pen"
"The psychic in Yang asks a question, and then the ghost in Yin answers the psychic’s question through the control panel and pen."
"After an anti-psychic asks a question, a ghost in the underworld can also ask a question or a request to a sunny person."
Here PeiWenDe tone paused a little.
Because he could clearly feel that a continuous breeze began to blow around him as he said this.
It seems to be out of pure curiosity and it seems that I haven’t chatted with anyone for a long time …
At first, I was going to scare a kid named Pei Wende, who listened to his speech so obediently and felt eager to try.
This gave Pei Wende the feeling that if he really had a board and pen at hand, the kid must have started this psychic game with himself by now.
"It seems that no one has spoken to you for a long time."
Pei Wende picked up the brush and put it aside as the ink table was ground out a little bit, and then turned to the breeze next to it and said
"It’s easy if you want to play this game. I can play with you."
"But there is one of the most important rules in this game, that is, neither players nor ghosts can lie."
The breeze that revolved around Pei Wende suddenly stopped.
Then one second, the gentle breeze suddenly turned into a strong wind, and everything in the room began to fly around.
Going …
Flying rice paper, collapsed cabinets, tables, chairs and beds began to shake …
However, the strange thing is that there is such a big noise in the room, but there is no sound outside the room.
"Tut tut, is this a temper tantrum?"
Did not move the wind central see PeiWenDe a face of chuckle asks.
"if you want to play a game, you must abide by the rules of the game, or you can find someone who is willing to chat with you!"
Pei Wende is sure that this kid will never let go of himself, who is not afraid of ghosts.
Otherwise, the other side will not be confined to this room, and some people are afraid that there will be noise in the room.
As if feeling Pei Wende’s determination, the wind suddenly stopped sweeping the whole room.
Is it vaguely PeiWende or can you detect that this kid is unwilling to agree because of his own play?
"That’s right!"
It doesn’t matter the mood of the other party at all. Pei Wende has enough experience to deal with this kind of "rebellious" kid
"Although I don’t have a board and a pen here, it’s ok to replace one with rice paper and a brush."
Listen to Pei Wende as he spoke, and the two characters of "Yes" and "No" were written on the newly fallen rice paper.
"Then I ask a question and you answer yes orno."
"And after you answer the question, you can control this brush to write your question or request, and then I will answer’ yes’ or’ no’"


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