"Don’t say it!"
Bell looks pale. He didn’t expect that he had worked so hard and that dozens of countries in the northern hemisphere were scared.
"I’m not a coward. I won’t be scared by your little tricks."
Finally, I lost a word. Baker left with a cold face.
Leave Chai Ping and Carl in the lounge.
"What shall we do when we receive it?" Carl looked at the situation a little dumbfounded.
He is not particularly good at diplomacy, especially when he has never met someone with such a hard mouth. He usually gives them soldiers to smash that person’s teeth and then let him swallow them.
However, after joining the mutual aid meeting, this means obviously won’t work.
What are they going to do in this situation?
Carl looked at Chai Ping in confusion.
While the firewood spread evenly, the hand called the waiter in the distance and calmly ordered two cups of coffee and three biscuits.
"If we eat more and drink more, we may not be able to eat such authentic coffee and biscuits."
"So we just give up?" Carl couldn’t help feeling desperate when he looked at Chai lying flat.
He had indicators when he got here.
Thomas managed to grab this time from Robert on the 2 nd and Taylor on the 4 th
If he just sits back and watches, most of his brother country will perish in this disaster. Will they be mixed up in the mutual aid meeting after their country?
Watching Carl pat him on the shoulder like a cat on hot bricks, I couldn’t help sighing, "If only Baker was as easy to communicate with as you."
"Er … Chai, you know that’s not what I want to ask."
"Don’t worry, I know what you want to ask, and we know what to do next. I will help you together."
"But first you have to answer me a question."
"Go ahead …" Carl straightened his face, but his tone was anxious.
Chai Ping said, "Do you think it is possible to save all people in the northern hemisphere from moving as perfectly as you did in one and a half months?"
This …
Carlton paused and shook his head.
"It’s impossible. We have more than three years to prepare, but that’s all we can do."
Now when they are on the 1 ST, there are still billions of people who have not moved there.
Thanks to the recent dispatch of a group of people to the headquarters of a mutual aid association, it has been much smoother for them to wait for the "car" relocation.
It took them so long to get to this point, which is ten years behind them and naturally impossible to do better than them.
"I think it’s enough to save most people or half of them."
Carl said.
His demands are so low, especially after seeing Baker’s attitude.
Chai Ping nodded and was glad that Carl was not that kind of idealist.
"since you hold this idea, it’s good to take it naturally."
Chai Ping smiled mysteriously and pointed to the lounge window. "Baker doesn’t want people to leave the northern enterprises and won’t let them leave the north, but people are free."
"It is enough for us to let the people move south spontaneously."
Zhang Tianyuan is having a meeting with Zhong Rui to sort out the day’s work.
"After the official announcement by the meteorological department today, we have received requests for visits from 37 countries so far, and they will arrive on September 1."
"In addition, today, seven countries have been successfully persuaded to respond to disaster prevention workers before January, such as starting their civil air defense projects to prepare energy and food, and establishing an emergency relocation mechanism, etc … It is a good sign that they did not promise to start moving immediately …"
Zhang Tianyuan and Zhong Ruijin listened to the report in silence and asked a word or two from time to time. Both facial expressions did not fluctuate much.
Although the situation is not good now, they expected it.
With a paper and a warning, and some seemingly inexplicable claims that they are from parallel, people want to move the northern hemisphere countries south?
Even the five good people of the United Nations obviously don’t have such a big face.
Not only Zhong Ruijin, but also Baker’s side.
It is good that a few countries are willing to listen to dozens of countries and come to verify the situation.
"Let’s continue to carry out the original plan. They blocked our news, so we will break their blockade so that everyone can listen to destiny after hearing our voice."
Zhang Tianyuan sighed for this situation is also helpless.
The time window in this world is too small.
If you give him two or three years, even one year, as in "212", he will be sure to make everyone believe that the super storm of climate catastrophe is coming through a big stick and radish.
The big deal is to let the fighters surround the North American continent again, just like in the original "212"
But a month and a half now …
This is really too short.
Not only is it unfavorable for him to start work, but it is also unfavorable for him to start work at this time.
After all, people are born to be rotten.
It’s like going to school. When you wake up, you still have half an hour to read early and ten minutes to go. These are two completely different attitudes.
For half an hour, it can be rushed and rushed, but in ten minutes, most people will choose to ruin it.
The situation is similar now.
Even if other countries are willing to believe in mutual aid, Zhong Ruijin and climate catastrophe.
But there is only one and a half months left in the rescue …
Then some people would rather not believe it
Now, Zhang Tianyuan and Zhong Ruijin’s strategy is to create panic or to put forward scientific reasons, so long as others can attract the attention of the football people.
Then these people are afraid, believe it or always try to encourage them to move to the south spontaneously.
So it is possible to save a life.
At the end, he relied on other countries’ officials to organize the evacuation …
Zhong Ruijin told Zhang Tianyuan long ago that this idea is unrealistic.
Then foreign countries are carrying out information attack and defense.
China’s Ministry of Meteorology publishes papers and the latest disaster warning information to the world from time to time every day.
And Baker’s orders are still in charge.
North America is trying to block this information because there is basically no news of climate catastrophe except word of mouth from Internet users.
The economic market has also remained stable, and even if the Asian and European economies are stirred up, North America still stands still.
This has become Baker’s most dazzling achievement in recent years …
But most people don’t pay attention to his achievements.
Like Jack.
"Will the interruption of warm current migration be the main reason for the outbreak of the new fairy wood incident 10 thousand years ago?"
Jack has been studying Liu Chunshi’s paper in his small office.
He found that the ideas in this paper are very helpful to his paleoclimate research, especially that he is studying the new fairy wood incident, which is a natural match with this theory.
"They look very mature, just like they have experienced the ice age. It is amazing that the data is detailed and perfect …"
The paper simply calculated, and Jack could not help but exclaim.
"On September 1st, representatives from dozens of countries in the northern hemisphere will gather in our country to visit. By that time, those who sign the agreement will have the opportunity to go to parallel time …"
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据了解,该事件涉及一名女性顾客在武汉某按摩店接受服务时,遭到店员性骚扰。事发后,受害者向警方报案,警方迅速介入调查。经查,涉事按摩店存在违规经营行为,店员涉嫌违法行为。 在事件发生后,武汉市相关部门迅速行动,对涉事按摩店进行了查处。首先,对涉事按摩店进行临时查封,禁止其继续营业。其次,对店员进行了调查取证,并对其进行了相应处罚。同时,对涉事按摩店的相关负责人进行了约谈,要求其深刻反省,加强内部管理,确保类似事件不再发生。 此次事件引起了社会各界的广泛关注,许多人对按摩行业存在的问题表示担忧。为了规范按摩行业,保障消费者权益,武汉市相关部门决定从以下几个方面加强监管: 一是加强行业自律。要求各按摩店严格遵守国家法律法规,规范经营行为,不得以任何形式侵犯消费者权益。 二是加大执法力度。对违反规定的按摩店,依法予以严厉查处,对涉嫌违法犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 三是提高消费者维权意识。通过多种渠道,向消费者普及相关法律法规,提高消费者维权意识,鼓励消费者积极举报违法行为。 四是加强行业培训。对按摩从业人员进行专业培训,提高其业务水平和服务质量,确保消费者在接受服务时能够得到尊重和保护。 五是建立投诉举报机制。设立投诉举报热线,方便消费者反映问题,对投诉举报线索进行核查,对违法线索进行查处。 通过以上措施,武汉市相关部门旨在从根本上解决按摩行业存在的问题,为广大消费者营造一个安全、健康的消费环境。 此次“武汉按摩事件”的后续处理,充分体现了政府部门对人民群众利益的关注和对违法行为的零容忍态度。相信在全社会共同努力下,按摩行业将逐步走向规范化、法治化,为广大消费者提供更加优质、安全的服务。同时,这也提醒我们,在日常生活中,要提高警惕,增强维权意识,共同维护良好的社会秩序。