Before he died, he also killed his wife and children and other major relatives, perhaps because he didn’t want them to accept the cruel fate.
I have to say, his death was too happy.
All the living family members of his family must take the blame for them doubly.
There is also the arrest of the Liu family, the big landlord of Dong ‘e County. When the owner went, he just went to the in-laws’ home to visit the Wangs. His home was copied and a servant ran to the Wangs to inform him.
Before the captors arrived, the Wangs knew that they could not escape, so they decided to escape with the Liu family and tried to escape south to the Southern Song Dynasty to survive.
However, the arresting team soon drove them away, and they fought a fierce battle.
They have more than 300 armed private ministries in their hands, and their desperate struggle for a lot of money has brought a lot of trouble to the chasing troops.
But in the end, they were no match for the regular army, and the regular army attacked the army on horseback.
The Wangs in Liu Jiahe still stubbornly refused to surrender, so the pursuit troops killed them as traitors and traitors.
Coincidentally, there are also several landlords in Jinan who choose to resist because they have certain private armed forces, and two or three landlords have heard the wind and decided to unite and pull up a thousand troops to try to resist, which also has certain prestige
However, their purpose of resistance is to escape, because they themselves don’t believe that they can defeat Hehe Weijun. Do they dare to resist Su Yonglin openly? Even if they know that things have broken out, they dare not resist and escape.
The escape direction is quite consistent, and they all choose to run to the Southern Song Dynasty.
Compared with landlords, business travelers ran faster because of their sharper sense of smell. Most of them fled south with money or fled in makeup, trying to cross the border army blockade and enter the Southern Song Dynasty. From then on, birds flew high and the sea was wide, and they jumped by diving.
However, due to Su Yonglin’s prior orders to go to many border states, the border states were prepared, blocking not only the main roads but also many mountain roads, paths and waterways.
So these bastards who tried to escape didn’t escape the military blockade after all, and they were arrested into order prisoners
By the beginning of May, Dongping, Jinan, Dizhou, Zizhou, Yidufu and Binzhou were blasted by Su Yonglin.
Hundreds of landlords, houses, officials and clerks were disposed of, and the corruption case of the Yellow River Project in Shandong Province broke out completely.
At this point, people finally know that Su Yonglin, the emperor, moved from Kaifeng to Shandong to punish corrupt officials.
Those corrupt officials who had colluded with each other to advance and retreat together didn’t even react, so they were instantly taken by the emperor.
The emperor beat everyone first, caught off guard and didn’t fully grasp the initiative.
The emperor’s visit to the anti-corruption campaign shocked the whole Shandong officialdom and the floating society. At that time, Shandong was in a state of great fear, and many people tried to know about the anti-corruption storm and whether they had it or not.
There are even people who send letters to Zhongdu, trying to get in touch with relatives and friends who are officials in Zhongdu, asking for information or thinking about themselves. In case they commit crimes, there are still people who can run by themselves.
However, Su Yonglin never spared a criminal.
And through the disposal and cleaning of these States, Su Yonglin also initially felt how much strength these families have accumulated from the end of the Northern Song Dynasty to the current old-fashioned family changes.
Although he started a rebellion with such a group of people at the beginning, and he knew how rich Zhao Kaishan represented the Shandong strongmen, he could not help but be surprised when these things were really counted and put before him.
For example, the Xu Shi family, the landlord of Dizhou, owns 40,000 mu of land, with a population of nearly 2,000. The strength of the family is enormous.
And the court accounts this Xu Shi family is a small strongman with a thousand acres of land and a hundred tenants.
For example, the Tian family, the landlord of Binzhou, owns 30,000 mu of land and has 1,700 tenants, with a population of nearly 10,000.
But according to the court accounts, they have 1,500 mu of land and 200 tenants.
For example, the Qian family, the big landlord of Yidufu, owns 32,000 mu of land, with a population of nearly 100,000.
And the court accounts, they have 1,300 mu of land and 270 tenants.
These three families alone have nearly 30,000 people, and further, the court’s demographic chart has swallowed up more than 95% of these 30,000 people, making it impossible for the court to truly count their financial resources and really own taxes.
And the local government also colluded with them to hide the real situation of the local landlords from the court.
This is really a legacy of history.
These Shandong strongmen, Jin and Song Dynasties, annexed a lot of land and scattered Song soldiers, and then gathered a large population and established a huge private force with a lot of wealth.
It is so powerful that the local government of Xu Jin Guo feels very difficult and dare not rashly start work.
The Jin Dynasty’s rule in Shandong lasted for just over 30 years, and it actually managed Shandong for about 20 years, but it failed to effectively manage Shandong and established an effective registration system.
These 20 or 30 years are the times when Shandong landlords and powerful men quickly accumulated wealth and enhanced their strength, and also the times when Jin moved population from the land and ethnic conflicts expanded rapidly.
When Su Yonglin revolted, due to the growing contradiction between Jurchen and Han landlords, Shandong landlords revolted against the nomads.
In the end, the big landlord didn’t surrender and resist. After complete failure, he chose to hang himself. He was already dead when the soldiers rushed into the hall.
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据了解,该事件涉及一名女性顾客在武汉某按摩店接受服务时,遭到店员性骚扰。事发后,受害者向警方报案,警方迅速介入调查。经查,涉事按摩店存在违规经营行为,店员涉嫌违法行为。 在事件发生后,武汉市相关部门迅速行动,对涉事按摩店进行了查处。首先,对涉事按摩店进行临时查封,禁止其继续营业。其次,对店员进行了调查取证,并对其进行了相应处罚。同时,对涉事按摩店的相关负责人进行了约谈,要求其深刻反省,加强内部管理,确保类似事件不再发生。 此次事件引起了社会各界的广泛关注,许多人对按摩行业存在的问题表示担忧。为了规范按摩行业,保障消费者权益,武汉市相关部门决定从以下几个方面加强监管: 一是加强行业自律。要求各按摩店严格遵守国家法律法规,规范经营行为,不得以任何形式侵犯消费者权益。 二是加大执法力度。对违反规定的按摩店,依法予以严厉查处,对涉嫌违法犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 三是提高消费者维权意识。通过多种渠道,向消费者普及相关法律法规,提高消费者维权意识,鼓励消费者积极举报违法行为。 四是加强行业培训。对按摩从业人员进行专业培训,提高其业务水平和服务质量,确保消费者在接受服务时能够得到尊重和保护。 五是建立投诉举报机制。设立投诉举报热线,方便消费者反映问题,对投诉举报线索进行核查,对违法线索进行查处。 通过以上措施,武汉市相关部门旨在从根本上解决按摩行业存在的问题,为广大消费者营造一个安全、健康的消费环境。 此次“武汉按摩事件”的后续处理,充分体现了政府部门对人民群众利益的关注和对违法行为的零容忍态度。相信在全社会共同努力下,按摩行业将逐步走向规范化、法治化,为广大消费者提供更加优质、安全的服务。同时,这也提醒我们,在日常生活中,要提高警惕,增强维权意识,共同维护良好的社会秩序。