Du Yu’s mind flashed this world story. What should he do if he spends the next two years in this world?
After all, from the current situation, there is no way to trigger the main line and branch line in Du Yu.
The VR system didn’t have him to arrange the identity role. Du Yu can come to this world as his true identity.
In addition to being able to practice for two years, this world power has become something that Du Yu wants to plan
"Jiuyang siddhi Gankun moved Yitianjian Jiuyin Zhenjing Zhang Sanfeng Tai Ji Chuan …"
Du Yu meditated on the things that the world can plan, and secretly cared about him. Since he experienced the Luding world, he has been unable to move since he won the power of Dragon Son into Dragon Motome.
How can he be indifferent to the fact that there are so many magical secrets in this martial arts world?
Although Du Yu’s reality is strong enough to sweep the whole world of the cult leader, there is no reason why he should not fight for it because he has a way to make his strength one step closer.
Determine what he wanted, Du Yu once again set his eye on that protagonist.
First of all, Du Yu needs to determine his arrival line. Where has the story developed?
The Du Yu then asked the teenager who was confused and captured alive.
"How long has it been since your parents died?"
"hmm? !” Don’t be stupefied, and then see the confused dark muzzle. I don’t have time to question Du Yu about asking his parents. "It’s just seven years after today!"
"Seven years!" Du Yu, on second thought, it has been seven years since the Zhang couple were forced to death by six schools in the Central Plains, which means that Du Yu just arrived a few days before the plot.
At this moment, avoid returning to the Wudang body, the mysterious palm poison has not been lifted, and the Buddhist monk has returned to the Wudang mountain cliff.
Eternal Sword is also inserted next to the statue of Zhenwu Hall in Wudang Mountain.
Teach the town to teach the magic to do Kun’s great move, together with Yang Dingtian’s body, the bare-headed forbidden area secret room.
The plot of the leader of the Demon Sect has just been unfolded. It should be that Emei’s brother Zhou Zhiruo came to Wudang to pay Zhang Sanfeng and the extinction teacher about seven years ago to return the eternal sword of Zhenwu Hall to the extinction teacher.
Now that we have determined our arrival time line, the question is, where will Du Yu go next?
Du Yu flashed a few thoughts. First, follow the taboo Wudang Mountain to find Wudang Mountain owner Zhang Sanfeng to learn Wudang Tai Ji Chuan method.
This Zhang Sanfeng is over 100 years old, but his personality is as hot as that of Huang Jinbao, and he is somewhat similar to Zhou Botong, an old urchin.
"Master Zhang Sanfeng? Learn from Tai Ji Chuan? !”
For a moment, Du Yu erased this idea, and Tai Ji Chuan joined wu-tang clan from Zhang Sanfeng. It is not necessary for Du Yulai to finish now.
Regardless of whether Zhang Sanfeng is willing to accept martial arts, Du Yu is not willing to be bound by sects and live a sober and widowed life.
It’s not too late to learn Tai Chi again after this idea was rejected by Du Yu.
Then there’s only one way to look. Find the Wudang Cliff Firefighter Toutuo and get his magic formula.
Li Jiuyang’s magic formula will solve the problem that his skill of Shenlong Motome is unable to move.
What should Du Yu do with him after he decides to take the direction?
If Du Yu won the fire attack on Toutuo, wouldn’t it be a waste if he didn’t learn martial arts with a mysterious palm and cold poison?
Is it a world of relying on heaven without avoiding it?
Du Yu is not the kind of person who destroys people’s future. He doesn’t want to owe anything, which will affect his future practice.
So Du Yu decided to get the magic formula of Jiuyang and then find him to clear up the cause and effect of the two.
Du Yu said to the group’s shrinking ground, "Seven years have passed. Do you still want to report your parents’ revenge? !”
"Parents … revenge? !” Avoid shivering and then staring at Du Yu and feet confused.
With this strange dress and a confused monster-like appearance, servants still know their own life. Is it true that people in front of them are immortals? ! I have been suffering for seven years and buried my heart for seven years. Has hatred finally come to revenge? ! With the help of immortals, can he kill six enemies with his own hands? !
"report! In these seven years, I never wanted to take revenge like my parents! I’ve been living in a bloody sea for seven years and now I’m waiting for an opportunity! A chance to avenge my parents. "
"well! Very good! " Du Yu’s figure flashed and disappeared with confusion. Du Yu’s voice echoed in front of him. "Go back to Wudang Mountain! I will come to you again! "
"I’ll give you enough revenge then."
Looking at the disappearance, Du Yuji slowly rises from the ground. His eyes were full of revenge, and the hatred that he had endured for seven years filled his whole heart with the stimulation of Du Yu.
"The central plains six pie! Every one of you is stained with my parents’ blood! I swear that when I get enough revenge, I will bury you myself. "
Chapter one hundred and fifty-one Brother Xinyu has eternal life (more than 1/1)
Wudang Mountain is stacked with steep mountains, and Du Yu’s spiritual strength condenses into a set of emerald green, and he strolls along the path.
Du Yu, who received the confusing signal, changed his game mentality and went straight to the confusing direction.
See a confusing cliff waiting for Du Yu.
"master! This is the most dangerous cliff in Wudang Mountain, and the distance from wu-tang clan Mountain Gate is not too far. Considering comprehensively, it is most likely the place where the fireman jumped off the cliff more than ten years ago. Do you need me to find out again? !”
Du Yu leaned over the bottomless cliff and immediately said, "You did a good job! But this cliff is too deep, and you can’t go. "
With a wave of his arm, Du Yu and Du Xue appeared in front of them and learned that Du Yu’s arrival this time was after Du Yu, the world leader of Eternal Demonism, planned.
Du Xuezhou turned into a nano-mechanical unit, and Du Yu watched it turn into a very domineering battlefield motorcycle-Dodge Tomahawk.
With a four-wheel design, the tomahawk is full of a strong sense of metal, and the Batman chariot is mysterious.
"Boss, I’ll take you!"
The first time I rode Du Xue and turned into a Dodge Tomahawk, the cold metal touch made Du Yu feel a ripple in his heart.
"Don’t love beauty! Love motorcycles! "
What do you need to ride such a domineering motorcycle, a bicycle, a big gold chain, a small watch and three small barbecues a day?
Even if you don’t ride there, your blood is boiling.
Hum! Boom
Dodge Viper V1 engine roared, and Du Yu rode her for a moment, immediately turning into a virtual shadow and disappearing in place.
Anti-gravity system and tomahawk abnormal speed Du Yu tomahawk clings to the cliff and sweeps to the bottom of the valley at a high speed.
Strong airflow whizzed past Du Yu’s ear! Since the Dodge Tomahawk engine rises on both sides, a metal barrier will float the speed of Du Yu’s protection again.
In less than a minute, Du Yu came to the bottom of the valley and landed on the ground. In an instant, the strong airflow blew the bottom of the valley full of fallen leaves and rotten wood for about four meters because of its too fast speed.
Dodge Tomahawk slowly landed on the ground and recovered into Du Xue after a mechanical magnetic sound effect.
"Boss! Is it thrilling? !”
"Stings don’t stimulate! ?”
"Then you don’t hurry back from me!"
Du Yu, I’m sure this world identity is played by Jet Li, and Zhang Ji has a shadow demon cult leader, which is in line with the current situation
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据了解,该事件涉及一名女性顾客在武汉某按摩店接受服务时,遭到店员性骚扰。事发后,受害者向警方报案,警方迅速介入调查。经查,涉事按摩店存在违规经营行为,店员涉嫌违法行为。 在事件发生后,武汉市相关部门迅速行动,对涉事按摩店进行了查处。首先,对涉事按摩店进行临时查封,禁止其继续营业。其次,对店员进行了调查取证,并对其进行了相应处罚。同时,对涉事按摩店的相关负责人进行了约谈,要求其深刻反省,加强内部管理,确保类似事件不再发生。 此次事件引起了社会各界的广泛关注,许多人对按摩行业存在的问题表示担忧。为了规范按摩行业,保障消费者权益,武汉市相关部门决定从以下几个方面加强监管: 一是加强行业自律。要求各按摩店严格遵守国家法律法规,规范经营行为,不得以任何形式侵犯消费者权益。 二是加大执法力度。对违反规定的按摩店,依法予以严厉查处,对涉嫌违法犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 三是提高消费者维权意识。通过多种渠道,向消费者普及相关法律法规,提高消费者维权意识,鼓励消费者积极举报违法行为。 四是加强行业培训。对按摩从业人员进行专业培训,提高其业务水平和服务质量,确保消费者在接受服务时能够得到尊重和保护。 五是建立投诉举报机制。设立投诉举报热线,方便消费者反映问题,对投诉举报线索进行核查,对违法线索进行查处。 通过以上措施,武汉市相关部门旨在从根本上解决按摩行业存在的问题,为广大消费者营造一个安全、健康的消费环境。 此次“武汉按摩事件”的后续处理,充分体现了政府部门对人民群众利益的关注和对违法行为的零容忍态度。相信在全社会共同努力下,按摩行业将逐步走向规范化、法治化,为广大消费者提供更加优质、安全的服务。同时,这也提醒我们,在日常生活中,要提高警惕,增强维权意识,共同维护良好的社会秩序。